Autumn Nights



As the darker nights close in and there is a hint of Autumn in the air, it’s time to say goodbye to the Summer. We also wave goodbye to long evenings spent enjoying the garden with a BBQ and a cold drink.

Now is the time of year that we start spending more time indoors and thoughts turn to Christmas and plans for 2017, like where to go on holiday or maybe even as bold as moving home.  Looking at your four walls may also bring to mind all of those jobs that you said you were going to complete over the summer…but never did….good intentions and all that!!

You may not even have heard of a Lifestyle Assistant, never mind thought about employing one! Well it’s not as “posh” as it sounds and it’s definitely not as expensive as you might think it is. It’s just a title and can cover so many different ways in which I can help you.  It could be something as simple as picking up your parcels to post for you whilst dropping off your dry cleaning, then picking up your weekly shop.  Just imagine how much time those few simple tasks could save you! However, I can also help with specific projects like that house move you keep thinking about, think about how much stress that could save you too!

I could manage your card and gift buying, check your house and feed your pets or tackle that pile of ironing. The list is (almost) endless! Please check out the Services page on my website for more information on how I could become the extra hours in your day.

Go on….just take a peek….what have you got to lose?

#domystuffuk  #letmehelp #outsourcechristmas #lifestyleassistant

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